Selling Tips for Homeowners in Metro Detroit

The standard checklist for what buyers expect of a listing on the real estate market has evolved, and in many ways, technological advances have influenced these changes. As a result, the world of real estate has transformed. Therefore, it’s helpful to understand what buyers of today are seeking when scrolling through listings online. No matter … Continued

I Want To Sell My Real Estate Note In Metro Detroit MI

“I want to sell my real estate note in Metro Detroit MI…Where do I start?” Holding a real estate note, private mortgage note, private promissory note or other paper real estate asset in MI can sometimes be a challenging proposition: They don’t always offer the highest returns, you collect your cash over a period of … Continued

What are Closing Costs Exactly in Metro Detroit?

You’ve likely heard about closing costs, but do you know everything that they include? Check out our closing cost “FAQ” to learn more about what closing costs are all about. What Are Closing Costs Exactly in Metro Detroit? Closing costs refer to all of the fees that must be paid at the closing table. Depending … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Metro Detroit?

You’re trying to sell a Metro Detroit MI house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help you sell your … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Metro Detroit

You’re trying to sell a house in [Oakland County ] [Michigan] house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help … Continued